Master The Art Of College Students Are Taking Online Jobs With These 6 Tips
Online jobs for college students are the perfect way for anyone trying to get an education to also make some money while in school. Actually many online jobs for college students are available. They allow you to earn a nice little profit just by working during your rest time in your dorm room. Why would you want to take the time to drive off to an off campus location and find yourself working for $7.50 an hour? There are ways to go about this but not all of them are going to work the way you might hope.

Online Surveys- provide many online jobs for college students. I am going to go through a few points and myths about these and reveal the truth about online surveys.My Life, My Job, My Career: How 6 Simple College Students Are Taking Online Jobs Helped Me Succeed.
MOST of these site will pay about 50 cents per survey and each one of these surveys takes at least 10-15 minutes and you must be qualified for each one. For example they might be looking for a female between 18 and 25 who lives in the Boston area and if you do not match these qualifications then they will not pay you.
There are surveys that pay 10-15 dollars each. Now these are few and far between so there are very few of these online jobs for college students. Also these surveys all require you to download and install products as well as purchasing products. This not only cuts into your profits but it also causes computer issues. Many times it will slow your computer down as well as download viruses onto your computer which is just asking for a disaster.
If you have experience in building virtual machines on computers and are an expert at fixing computers then this could be worthwhile however this is not one of the very practical online jobs for college students.
Article Marketing- This is a method that is not looked to as one of the many online jobs for college students but this is a very simple method. In fact the way it works is that you write a simple couple paragraphs. At the end of these you will place a link to a website. once a potential customer comes along and sees your link at the end of the article the person will click on it. Once they purchase the item you will receive about 75% of the money from that. So if it costs $100 you will receive $75 just because you wrote that article and this method can repeat itself many times.