I've spent a number of years learning Excel - its Formulas, Pivot Tables, Macros, and a number of time saving and insight generating tools and have become an Excel consultant. I've painstakingly gone through and learnt all the tools in Microsoft Excel. So I bring with me high productivity so you excel and get your stuff done fast and save cost.
A lot of info you utilize is in Excel
We use it to prepare your data into rows and columns. We also use it to perform mathematical calculations quickly. Microsoft Excel is user friendly and has lots of features so the more you use it the more you learn. The Excel spreadsheet has great documentation through the built-in help menu.
Each feature in the menu has a unique attribute to simply help the consumer in understanding it. Each tab defines a unique presence and each button helps itself with alternative text on it. The essential formulas has made very easy, where respective formulas are stored in respective function kit. The user has just to choose what function he's to apply and the formula is ready!
The aligning of tables, inserting the images, selecting the charts, shapes and many more are now in just one click away.
Dealing with database is now extremely easy. Just import the data from access and here we go.
A novice may use excel but they use it just like a type writer
Yes, a newcomer can use it, but to take advantage of EXCEL, an Expert is needed. A Novice will get excel useful. It could be more appealing to those who find themselves having basic understanding of Excel and Word, which include procedures for entering equations in excel and some experience with creating charts. An Expert can make the items differently. Expert defines himself by using excel effectively and professionally. There is an edge which defines these both. How to use Excel is Novice and steps to make utilization of excel is Expert.
An Excel expert means somebody who knows excel and business logic
Knowing the very end of excel won't make him an expert. A mix of expertise in subject + Business Logic is likely to make him exceptional in the market. Business logic generally used to explain the functional algorithms that handle information exchange between graphical user interface and database. It is distinguished from input/output data validation and product logic.
A professional can give you productivity by saving cost and time
Save .. Save ..Save .. Excel expert can save the time n cost by using the formulas, Pivot tables, Vlookups etc., will certainly assist you to in providing you the productivity. Instead of same old time consuming process they could make budgeting directly into a whole lot more intellectual exercise with only few simple templates.